Academy School Distict 20
NCLB Mini Grant - ITES
20 in the 21st
What is Web 2.0?
The Education Services of the Information Technology Department (IT-ES) has developed a professional development opportunity to answer that question! Current participants are exploring Web 2.0 tools and implementing these tools in K-12 classrooms. Navigating through an online course called 20/20 Things, educators are learning about a variety of Web 2.0 tools such as VoiceThread, Wordle, Google Docs, podcasts, RSS and many more. With additional onland support, blogs have been created to reflect on their online learnings, develop a collaborative wiki, and explore digital storytelling and multimedia tools such as Photostory and Windows MovieMaker. Teachers have received Flip Video cameras and headsets with microphones to use with their students. Weekly open labs are also available so that participants can drop in on an informal basis and receive additional support as required. In addition, a half-day workshop on Quadrant D planning will guide teachers in creating inquiry-based lessons and units. This professional development initiative began in 2008-2009 and will continue into the 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 school years so that staff members in EVERY school will have the opportunity to learn about these exciting electronic tools to promote learning in the 21st Century!
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