
Elements of Powerful Learning

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Saved by Nancy White
on October 29, 2009 at 7:08:53 am

Think-Pair- Share


Think back to one of your most powerful learning experiences, K-12, college, or adult.  What common elements are there?



(Day 1 Group)


·       hands-on

·  freedom to make mistakes in low-risk situations

·  inquiry - exploration

·  teaching others what you are learning

·  simulations - processing the experience

·  real-world connections

·  genuine problems that need solutions

·  time for reflection

·  Multisensory - more than one learning modality

·  opportunity to ask questions

·  follow own interests

·  collaboration - working with others to solve problems

 (Day 2 Group)



  • Real world connection

  • Hands-on relevance to what you've learned

  • Empathy - understanding the students' perspective

  • Metacognition - understanding how you learn, thinking about how others learn

  • Opportunities to question

  • Opportunities to follow personal interests

  • Collaboration with others to solve problems

  • Personal connection


  • Opportunity to teach others what you've learned 

  • Requires thought and engagement - not too easy, but not so difficult as to be overly frustrating

  • Safe environment - okay to make mistakes




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